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5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208  |  Phone: (904)764-4043

Teleflora's Moonlight Kiss Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

She's counting on you to give her a romantic Valentine's gift. Go all out with this gorgeous array of roses, lilies and more artistically arranged in a sparkling silver reflections vase. Prepare for lots of XOXOs.

The doorbell rings. When she opens the door and sees this spectacular array of roses and lilies, her eyes will sparkle like the dazzling silver reflections vase that holds them. It's the kind of gift that puts the va-va-voom in Valentine's Day.

Love blooms spectacularly in this dazzling array of roses, lilies, alstroemeria and more artistically arranged in a sparkling silver reflections vase. Oh, the hugs you'll get, and the kisses. Cupid will be so proud.

This romantic bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver reflections vase.

This gorgeous bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver reflections vase.

The many-splendored bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver reflections vase.

Orientation: All-Around

Teleflora's Moonlight Kiss Bouquet



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