Send Flowers to Anyone, Anywhere – Local Florist with a Nationwide Reach
5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208 | Phone: (904)764-4043
It's the gift purple lovers have been waiting for a gorgeous arrangement of purple and lavender roses, stock and waxflower, accented with fresh greens. Hand-designed by our florists in a classic glass vase, it’s the perfect way to bring out anyone's passion for purple.
* Lush arrangement of long-stem lavender roses, purple and lavender stock, purple waxflower and bupleurum.
* Artistically hand-designed in a clear glass vase with a stylish decorative ribbon; measures 11"H.
* Large arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 11.5"L.
* Medium arrangement measures approximately 16.5"H x 11"L.
* Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 10.5"L.
* Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability.