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5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208  |  Phone: (904)764-4043

Gorgeous Glimmer Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Talk about a pink-me-up! Make Mother's Day one to remember with the shimmering surprise of an iridescent mosaic glass vase brimming with perfect roses!

Talk about a pink-me-up! Make Mother's Day one to remember with the shimmering surprise of an iridescent mosaic glass vase brimming with perfect roses!

Talk about a pink-me-up! Make Mother's Day one to remember with the shimmering surprise of an iridescent mosaic glass vase brimming with perfect roses!

This perky pink bouquet includes pink roses, hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, lavender waxflower, pitta negra and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Shine in Style Cylinder.

This perky pink bouquet includes pink roses, hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, lavender waxflower, pitta negra and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Shine in Style Cylinder.

This perky pink bouquet includes pink roses, hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, lavender waxflower, pitta negra and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Shine in Style Cylinder.

Orientation: All-Around

Gorgeous Glimmer Bouquet



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