Send Flowers to Anyone, Anywhere – Local Florist with a Nationwide Reach
5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208 | Phone: (904)764-4043
With their timeless beauty, our delicate pink and white roses are just the gift to let every mom know how much she’s loved. Whether you’re surprising your wife, your sister, or the woman you call Mom, these blooms will let you express yourself perfectly. Gathering of 18 pink and white roses Double her gift with 36 pink and white roses Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment. Add to her gift: Charming fluted glass swirl vase in petal pink; measures 7.5"H (available with 36 stems only) Exclusive soft gray, keepsake ceramic vase with delicate floral detail features the sentiment, “Moms Make Life Beautiful”; measures 7.5"H x 5"W (available with 18 stems only) Exclusive hummingbird suncatcher made of genuine stained glass to catch the sunlight; arrives with silver chain hanger; measures 5"D (available with pink vases and 18 stem bouquet only) Exclusive pink glass vase, elegantly designed with graceful contours and delicate fluting; measures 8"H (available with 18 stems only) Clear fluted glass vase in a classic hourglass shape; measures 9"H (available with 18 stems only)